Five Right Now: Melin Melyn

One of the undoubted highlights of last week’s Green Man 2021 was Welsh party starters, Melin Melyn. Recently signed to Bingo Records, their infectious blend of off kilter-pop, socially observant, catchy lyrics and quirky stage etiquette makes them the perfect festival act.

Off the back off recent EP, Blomonj, and a recent name drop from John Grant in this month’s Uncut, they will also be performing at next weekend’s End of the Road. These are their Five Right Now picks:

Aoife Nessa Frances – Here in the Dark

I’ve listened to her album Land of No Junction so many times. If I’m looking for something to calm me down, this is a perfect tonic for it. Here in the Dark is so beautiful. I can’t wait to see her live.

Caroline – Dark Blue

I have seen Caroline a few times live, and I’m always left with feeling like I’ve experienced something very special and soothing. I expect to hear their music on many films in the future. Their music video in a swimming pool is glorious.

Lazarus Kane – Narcissus

When describing the first two bands in this list, I mentioned how great they are to calm the mind and to sooth a sore head. Don’t listen to these guys if you need a calm me down. If you want something to get your head bopping and encourage you to steal a cow bell, then this is for you. Check out the bass line on Narcissus. One of the best sets that I saw at Green Man. They will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Golden Dregs – Nobody Ever Got Rich (By Making People Sad)

We have been lucky enough to support these wonders a few times. I honestly think that Nobody Ever Got Rich is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve heard. I would also run the length of a field to jump up and down to another of their songs, Congratulations.

John Grant – GMF

Every band I’ve mentioned to you in this article are playing at End of the Road this year. It’s an honour to be on the same bill as them, and totally mind blowing for John Grant to kindly recommend Melin Melyn as one of the bands people should see in Uncut Magazine. Here’s us returning the favour! I work in a cafe. One day, I put on the song GMF to play through cafe speakers and off I walked to the toilet, totally forgetting about the “explicit” lyrics in the chorus. As soon as I sat down on the toilet, I was back on my feet running to my phone to turn it down. It was too late. A PG customer had already made an official complaint against the abhorrent and indecent lyrics. We’ll be there singing those lyrics in Latimer Gardens with bells on.

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