Secret Meeting score: 87
by Joseph Purcell
On a gloomy Friday evening at Jodrell Bank Observatory, Wayne Coyne and his merry band of misfits brought a cannon load of fun to the Bluedot Festival weekend. In a storming set of mayhem, laughter and dancing, the Oklahoma based band thrilled an audience of all ages in a triumphantly unique musical experience. All that festival and gig going fans ask for is enjoyment, and an ability to lose yourself and be in the moment – giving opportunity to create memories with friends, partners and loved ones- and the Flaming Lips fulfilled all these requirements.
Adorned in an eye patch and grey suit with fluffy pink cuffs, Flaming Lips’ leader in chief, Wayne Coyne, cut the figure of a suave pirate – perfectly at home in his environment of madness. By third song, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt 1, the crowd are utterly entranced in the alternate reality- as a nursery rhyme of furry animals, fifteen foot tall inflatable robots, karate chops, with the thrill filled Coyne directing, organising and demanding more more more fun. The bonanza fuelled insanity of the The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power) induces a mass sing a long and joyous bursts of dancing abandon.
The set continues a pace as it becomes more akin to a fancy-dress shop than a festival stage. Set to the backdrop of the Lovell Telescope, now lit up in a diverse palette of colours, the stage is filled with feather boas, capes, unicorns – which Coyne rides for a barnstorming rendition of There Should Be Unicorns – giant eyes on sticks and inflatable lips; the scene is Alice In Wonderland meets The Rocky Horror Show, and is a setting straight from the mind of Tim Burton.
In a set packed with joy inducing moments, there was none more so than the euphoric tribute to one of The Flaming Lips biggest inspirations, David Bowie. Enveloped in a huge inflatable ball, Coyne set out across the adorning crowd for a joyous rendition of the Bowie classic, Space Oddity – just one of a number of uninhibited sing-a-long moments. Before bringing the riotous, fun filled set to a close with fan favourites, A Spoonful Weighs A Ton, and a beautiful version of Do You Realize??
This was a magnificent festival set, and one which certainly saw Ground Control put Major Coyne into blast off!