by Paddy Kinsella
Over the last twelve months, Lazy Day have become increasingly determined to fortify their brilliantly fun live show on record. Formerly recording their material at songwriter, Tilly Scantlebury’s home studio, they fled their cocoon for new single, All The Time. Their most visceral song yet, it captures the band’s newfound alchemy, strengthened through a year of intense touring, both in the assertion of their brutish force and in the dance routine on show in the video – the personification of the band’s unshackling from any initial anxieties.
Recorded at Church Studios with a women-led studio team, All the Time goes one step further in encapsulating the band’s electric live energy. The reverberating guitars and drums bash from wall to wall, enclosing you in the song’s torrential microclimate. Scantlebury stalks the stage, white plaid collar lifted to the sky, her voice growling and rasping – a Father John Misty-like showmanship perspiring from her every pore. Her band mates lap it up, ramping up the volume in line with Scantlebury’s tidal swells, and always at exactly the right moment. Galaxian keys pull the cosmic spiral downwards, Lazy Day proffering a new transcendental side that has hitherto remained hidden. The clouds are afforded one final burst, however, as the Goliath-like chorus hails down on us before heavy winds blow the rains west.
With room to breathe, you ponder disbelievingly at how Lazy Day have so expertly concentrated their live energy on record – the knowing nods of band mates, the pogo-stick jumps of the bassist and Scantlebury’s unmistakable, incandescent vivacity. For us mortals, the formula is unsolvable, but with no end to the live concert blackout in sight, we’re indebted to Lazy Day for arriving upon an equation all their own.
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